- Prospective investors could call on us, and request us to assist/ guide them in setting up a new venture on turnkey basis (i.e., from start to finish); or to conduct Market/ Export Surveys or do only Feasibility Studies or Business Plans for them.
- Banks/ other corporate organizations could in like manner engage us to prepare specialized Industry Reports or Strategic Plans or to conduct Market/ other Specialized Studies for them/ their loan-seeking customers and associates.
- Individuals or corporate organizations interested in engaging us to prepare specialized Industry Reports for them or who are interested in buying our Books and/ or other Research Publications or the Investment Compass Magazine should call for copies /subscribe or make specific enquiries via telephone calls or emails.
- Governmental and non-governmental/ multilateral organizations and philanthropic individuals and politicians could sponsor the vocational training of a set of young men and women to enable them acquire entrepreneurial skills at our Vocational Centre.
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